

Hi! I am Ronald Schnier

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Ronald Schnier

About me

UI / UX Full Stack Designer, Developer with over 10 years’ experience. Specializing in Web and Mobile development. Expertise in Web Design, Visual Design and Pixel Perfect Front End. Thrives on opportunities to collaborate with clients, team member and senior executives to drive new products and innovations through critical thinking to Identify and translate customer needs into a meaningful winning user experience. Background includes visual design, graphic, print and web design, I am passionate about all kinds of web work: design, web apps, frontend & backend development. I know what it means to be a specialist and how to run effective and successful business. I'm here to turn your ideas into a profitable business.

Skills Stats

HTML 100%
CSS 100%
UI | UX Design & Development 100%
Adobe Creative Suite 100%

My Philosophy

The best designs in the world are based on purpose and function. When a design solves a functional problem as simply and elegantly as possible, the resulting form will be honest and timeless.

My Mission

Design is so important in everyones lives. I understand this, my main focus on designing web and mobile apps that satisfy users’ needs. With content and user experience as our first priorities, designing apps that are simple, clean, functional, and easy to use.


This is how we live and what we love

Inspiration is an unconscious burst of creativity in a literary, musical, or other artistic endeavour. The concept has origins in both Hellenism and Hebraism. The Greeks believed that inspiration or "enthusiasm" came from the muses, as well as the gods Apollo and Dionysus.



Greater Orlando, FL USA


+1 (818)-457-6664


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